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HTML Kit Plugins Directory

Plugin Authors : Tom WalkerHome > Plugins > Plugin Authors > Tom Walker
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avwJavaAPI-java Source
Source code files used to create avwJavaAPI-java.
avwJavaAPI-io Source
Source code files used to create avwJavaAPI-io.
avwSplitLines Source
Source code files used to create avwSplitLines.
twCharacterEntities Source
Source code files used to create twCharacterEntities.
twJavaDoc Source
Source code files used to create twJavaDoc.
twJavaScript Source
Source code files used to create twJavaScript.
Various ways of masking the email links have appeared as the number of email bots have increased. It's debatable how effective these methods will prove to be, but this plugin makes it easier to employ one of the techniques used to disguise links.
avwEncodeEmail Source
Source code files used to create avwEncodeEmail.
Adds menu options for inserting code snippets related to the java.applet package.
Adds menu options for inserting code snippets related to the package.
Splits the selected line of text at a specific column and wraps the code with various tags.
Adds menu options for inserting tag formatting codes used by the HTML-Kit Plugin Interface.
avwHKSFormat Source
Source code files used to create avwJSImageRotator.
This plugin and tutorial combo makes it easier to add the ability to rotate banners, slides and other images on web pages.
avwJSImageRotator Source
avwJSImageRotator source code.
Plugin for Java authors. Includes menus for inserting common keywords, data types, methods, operators and control structures.
twJava Source
twJava plugin source code.
Using more than the #include Server-Side Includes command? This menu contains SSI elements supported by the Apache module.
avwSSI Source
Source code files used to create avwSSI.
Adds menu options for inserting code snippets related to the HTML::Template Perl module.
avwHTMLTemplate Source
Source code files used to create avwHTMLTemplate.
Inserts tags for documenting Java code using the JavaDoc tool.
Inserts character codes / entities for "unsafe" HTML characters and ad banner code for Geocities and Spaceports.
How many cups of java does it take to memorize the objects in one of the most popular scripting languages? The menus added by this plugin covers JavaScript methods, properties, keywords, event handlers, and some common code snippets.