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HTML Kit Plugins Directory

Plugin Authors : Jesper Rosenlund NielsenHome > Plugins > Plugin Authors > Jesper Rosenlund Nielsen
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Implements a new function ("Editor Not Required [X-jrnENR]") in the Plugins Generator to make it possible to run plugins without requiring an editor to be open. Add dummy action with this function (e.g. a vertical separator as the last acti...
A Table of Contents can make it easier to navigate long documents, but manually updating the TOC can take time away from editing the document. Let this plugin generate the TOC from the headings.
jrnCreateTOC Source
jrnCreateTOC plugin source code.
Translates the selected character to decimal codes, e.g. a to a and vice versa.
jrnCharacterEncoding Source
jrnCharacterEncoding plugin source code.
Insert cloaked mailto: anchor to make life harder for spammers.
jrnCloakMailtoAnchor Source
jrnCloakMailtoAnchor plugin source code.
Is it time to update site navigation, banner ad and other tags shared by multiple pages? If it's not feasible to use server-side scripting or Server Side Includes (SSI), this old-timer can be used to update pages with centralized code snippets.
Implements a new function ("Get Full Text [X-jrnGFT]") in the Plugins Generator to get the full text in the current editor. Add dummy action with this function (e.g. a vertical separator as the last action - this will be invisible), and you...
Speed up the process of finalizing draft versions of documents with INS/DEL tags.
Looking for a quick way to convert between ASCII values and characters? Simply use the asc and chr commands in HTML-Kit's Command Prompt window.
The creation of picture albums by hand can be tedious. This plugin makes it easier to generate tables with images, and other blocks of custom tags that have to be repeated for each file.
Extend your use of HTML-Kit Desktop Files to manage favorite documents in HTML-Kit. You can have easy individual access to frequently edited documents stored in an Desktop File.
Plugin that can be used to create desktop files (introduced in build 292), by dragging and dropping files from the Windows Explorer.
The hkPreview plugin resides in the Tools section of the action bar in HTML-Kit. There is a menu item for each of the browser in the browser list. When you run the plugin, the currently edited file is saved as a temporary file (named _{{jrn_hkPreview...
Makes it possible to launch external programs defined in HTML-Kit preferences from the Actions Bar and pass the Windows/DOS path of the current document even when the server mappings feature is enabled.
 Designed using HTML-Kit
Button by Jeff Pratt
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