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Three shortcuts. Three functions

Is it time to read news, or is it time to check mail? Or is it the time to checkout the cool site of the day? Well, whatever you feel like doing, you might find it easier to have three Netscape icons that takes you directly to the function you want to perform.
  1. Create two copies of the Netscape Navigator shortcut (icon) in your Netscape Navigator folder or group (Explorer / Program Manager).
  2. Go to the properties (select the shortcut/icon and press ALT+ENTER) of the first copy and append " -mail" (without the quotes) to the target (known as "command line" in Windows 3.x).
    For example, if your target is set to ""C:\Program Files\Netscape\Program\Netscape.exe"" change it to ""C:\Program Files\Netscape\Program\Netscape.exe" -mail"

    You might also want to change the title (or the description) of this icon to "Netscape Mail" for easy identification.
  3. Finally, go to the second copy and repeat step #2. However, this time use " -news" instead of " -mail"
    For example, if your target is set to ""C:\Program Files\Netscape\Program\Netscape.exe"" change it to ""C:\Program Files\Netscape\Program\Netscape.exe" -news"

    Again, you might also want to change the title (or the description) of this icon to "Netscape News" for easy identification.
Applicable Keywords : Internet, Netscape Navigator, Navigator 3.x, World Wide Web
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