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Change your DOS/Command prompt

Are you sick of seeing the same old prompt whenever you go to the "DOS/Command Prompt" -- "C:\>" for example?

Here's how to change it to something more exciting:

  • If you're in Windows, go to the "DOS Prompt" or the "Command Prompt"
  • Type


    followed by the format characters for your new prompt (only a few format characters are listed below to keep the compatibility. to find out all the codes available to you in your operating system, type "PROMPT/?" without the quotes and press ENTER):

    $d -- current date
    $t -- current time
    $g -- ">" character
    $p -- current path/directory

    for example:

    PROMPT $t $p $g

  • Press ENTER
Applicable Keywords : MS-DOS 3.x, Windows NT, Windows NT 3.x, Windows NT 4.x, Windows, Windows 3.x, Windows 95
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