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Got JSP? Access the bean IDs with a drop of a list. This is one of the series of JSP related plugins written by Eric Glass for making it easier to edit standard tags, lookup Taglib directives and invoke online / offline help for JSP keywords.
Indents can make it easier to read and mange the code. Whether you're working on a script with uneven indents, or a script indented with mismatched tabs, a single click of this plugin can help to indent your PHP scripts.
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Looking for a way to create thumbnails of large images? This plugin can generate a custom size thumbnail of the specified GIF, JPEG, PNG or BMP image along with the HTML code for opening the original image.
Quickly create and insert single-color images, that can be used to add image-based dots, vertical/horizontal lines/bars, rectangles and transparent space holders to web pages.
Want to play with IE's CSS visual filters and transitions? This plugin makes it easier to use and test multimedia-style filters and transitions.
Looking for a quick way to add alt attributes to img tags? This plugin can be used to look through <img tags in the current document and add empty alt="" attributes if alt is missing.
Whether you're testing HTML tables or moving to DIV layouts, or trying to visualize your pages without images, this plugin can help by outlining specified tags. This brand new version also offers zero-setup previews.
This wizard for inserting IMG tags makes it easier to pick from a group of images in the specified folder. It also uses CSS for better control instead of deprecated attributes such as border and align.
View single-file download speeds, word counts, links, directory listings and file properties, all in a single report. But that's not all, this plugin also displays PHP and hkScript file content with links to the known function references.
Displays and optionally updates width and height attributes of the <img> tag at the cursor.
This plugin and tutorial combo makes it easier to add the ability to rotate banners, slides and other images on web pages.
The size of JPEG files can be reduced by adjusting the amount of details contained in them. This process can affect the quality of the image, but the difference is not always visible to the human eye. Compress while viewing the result with this tool.
The creation of picture albums by hand can be tedious. This plugin makes it easier to generate tables with images, and other blocks of custom tags that have to be repeated for each file.
Extracts text matching the specified find expression. For example, this plugin can be used to extract quoted values, image file names, links, ALT text, IDs, names, etc., in the current document. Advanced options: Set the bCaseSensitiveSort variable i...
Extracts specific HTML code blocks, such as titles, headers, links, META tags, style sheets, scripts, paragraphs, tables, forms, image tags, server-side script blocks, etc. Open a document and select the type of code block to copy from the drop-down ...
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