(page requirements)

Netscape's best and biggest view

If you feel like you're not getting the most out of your video monitor while browsing the web using Netscape Navigator, try running Netscape in "almost full screen" mode or, better yet, "kiosk" mode:
  • Run Netscape Navigator (netscape.exe in Windows versions) with the "-kiosk" (or just "-k") parameter.

    For example, if you installed Netscape to "D:\NS" run:

    d:\ns\program\NETSCAPE.EXE -kiosk

  • If you're running Netscape from an icon or a shortcut, add "-kiosk" to its "command line."
Applicable Keywords : Internet, Netscape Navigator, Navigator 2.x, Navigator 3.x, Communicator 4.x, World Wide Web
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