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Cold fusion is still a theory, but ColdFusion is one of the most commercially successful server-side scripting languages. This keyword help file adds the ability to lookup CFML tags and functions through the LiveDocs site.
Translates the HTML-Kit main menu to German.
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Prefer to use the mouse for inserting tags? This plugin makes it easier to access commonly used tags using the right click menu. It also provides the ability to add new options for inserting custom code snippets.
In many cases it's necessary to use the   entity to display consecutive spaces on HTML pags. This plugin makes it easier to convert multiple spaces to nbsp entities or nbsp entities to regular spaces.
Update your pages often? This plugin makes it easier to update "Last Updated On ___" labels. It can also create new documents based on custom templates with date/time placeholders.
The Open In New Window option in HTML-Kit can be used as a way to create static split views. This plugin simplifies it by using the Output window to display a snapshot of the text in the Editor window.
Copies text in the Output window to the Editor window with optional header and footer.
Looking for more indenting options? With this plugin, the selected text can be indented using spaces or tabs. It also makes it easier to apply multiple indents.
This plugin adds options for sorting the selected text or the full text in the current document, in ascending or descending order.
If you're looking for a quick way to document code blocks, this plugin prompts for a custom note and inserts comments with the note at the top and the bottom of the selected text.
Fan of Perl-like regular expressions? This multi-line search and replace dialog makes it easier to convert plain text to escaped regex.
HTML-Kit provides several built-in options for selecting text and tags on the Edit menu. This plugin makes it possible to access these options using the Right Click Menu and the Actions Bar.
Have a high changes-per-hour rate? Save incremental changes with a customizable date and time stamp.
Demonstrates how to look for text fragments using regular expressions and list the matches in a drop-down list that can be used to jump to the location of the found text.
Focuses the specified line while making sure that the several lines above and below it are also visible.
Helper plugin for making it easier to invoke WinMerge on the current document in HTML-Kit. WinMerge is a Windows application that can be used for visual differencing of text files and optionally merging the differences. This plugin makes it possible ...
Don't spend time counting the characters, let this plugin highlight the matching ( ), { }, [ ] and < > pairs.
Adds several methods for inserting code involving the use of paths relative to the current file. Included are menu options to insert only a relative path (without any tags), hyperlinks, image links, PHP include / require constructs, and links to Java...
Provides an alternative means to create, edit, and access a large library of code from HTML-Kit. Help is available through ToolTips on each form by holding the pointer over the question mark icon. Nippet files use *.sdf for the file extension and res...
Script programmers spend a good amount of time quoting and unquoting strings. This plugin adds several options to the Actions Bar and the right click menu to make it easier to quote the selected text.
Some popular search engines, news services and online shops have started publishing special versions of their websites for visitors using handheld devices. This wizard makes it easier to start creating web pages that are optimized for PDAs.
A small plugin that pastes the selected color (instead of inserting the color as the default Color Picker does).
Adds the ability to invoke Trita from HTML-Kit. Trita is a source code beautifier that can learn the formatting style by examining source code examples.
Adds "Close Current File" and "Close All Windows" options to the right click menu.
Opens read-only files in untitled editor windows.
Implements a new auto-complete feature with the ability to prompt for replaceable token strings. The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required to run this plugin.
mwSaveAndRestore allows you to select a section of your current document and by clicking on the 'Save' icon on the PseudoFolds tab on the action bar, remove it to another file. You choose the filename and this is placed in a comment that repl...
This plugin can be used for block commenting and uncommenting code in Visual Basic, VBScript, VBA or any other language that uses single quote-style comments. If used on uncommented code the selected text will be returned with each line prefaced w...
This plugin can be used for block commenting and uncommenting code in C/C++ source, PHP, JavaScript, or any other language that utilizes C-style comments. If used on uncommented code the selected text will be returned with enclosed in C-style (sla...
Is it time to update site navigation, banner ad and other tags shared by multiple pages? If it's not feasible to use server-side scripting or Server Side Includes (SSI), this old-timer can be used to update pages with centralized code snippets.
With this plugin you can create links by right clicking the editor and picking the file that you want to link to. If you select some text before right clicking, hkClickAndLink will use it as the link text. Information about the selected file (such as...
Inserts author information (configured under "Edit | Preferences | Author").
Searches for a regular expression / pattern string in multiple files and optionally opens matching (or "unmatching") files. New file types to search can be added to the default list of web files by updating the sSearchFileExtensions variabl...
Displays a list of JavaScript, PHP and hkScript functions in the current document, making it easier to jump to a function definition by clicking its name in the drop-down list.
Makes it easier to open multiple files from the MRU (most recently used) files list. Can be used to open local and remote FTP files.
Indents the selected block of text with tabs.
Inserts the <br> tag and creates a new line while preserving auto-indents. Same as the "Tags | Insert Line Break (Ctrl+Enter)" main menu option in build 290, except this plugin will preserve any auto-indents.
Moves the cursor to the end of the current line, including whitespaces. Optionally, this plugin can be assigned to a keyboard shortcut as follows: 1. Select "Tools | Customize | Keyboard Shortcuts" from the main menu. 2. Click "Add.&qu...
Looking for a quicker way to duplicate the current line? This plugin makes it easier to make one or more duplicates of the line at the cursor.
Extracts text matching the specified find expression. For example, this plugin can be used to extract quoted values, image file names, links, ALT text, IDs, names, etc., in the current document. Advanced options: Set the bCaseSensitiveSort variable i...
Makes it possible to easily copy bookmarks ("Edit | Bookmarks") and marks ("Edit | Marks") from the current document and recreate them in a copy of the same document. Also provides a button to clear all bookmarks and marks.
Expands text at the cursor to a predefined template. Edit the source to add your own templates.
Search and replace within a selected block of text using Perl like regular expressions. Matched blocks are represented using \1 ... \9 in the "Replace with" field.
Although the "keywords" META tag doesn't carry as much weight as it once did, the search engines still look at it. This plugin generates keywords from the most frequently used words in the current document.
A plugin to make it easier to save snippets under custom folders (outside the default snippets folder).
Spell Checker
Why invoke the spell checker if you can view any typos as you type? This plugin provides English dictionaries and enables live spell checking.
English thesaurus for HTML-Kit. To install: go to "Tools | Install | Thesaurus" from the main menu and select the downloaded *.zip file (no need to unzip).